Well, what a few months it's been. Just as I was getting fitter and reaching a reasonable standard, aiming for an Everesting in June/July I came off my mountain bike and smashed my back quite badly. Badly enough it seems that I injured my Psoas Major, a large muscle at the bottom of my spine (which continues down through your hip). That was enough to see me off any exercise for several weeks, along with several trips to the doctor to get some sort of electrical prod shoved into my back.
Just when I thought things may have been getting better it then turned out I'd made a slight hernia far far worse, necessitating immediate surgery. If I'd thought my back injury was painful, this was another level altogether! So in reality it's been the best part of nearly 3 months of doing nothing but sit around feeling sorry for myself and driving my wife up the wall complaining about getting fat because I wasn't able to do anything. I was right though, I've put on several kilo's that need to be shifted in a big hurry.
Just when I thought things may have been getting better it then turned out I'd made a slight hernia far far worse, necessitating immediate surgery. If I'd thought my back injury was painful, this was another level altogether! So in reality it's been the best part of nearly 3 months of doing nothing but sit around feeling sorry for myself and driving my wife up the wall complaining about getting fat because I wasn't able to do anything. I was right though, I've put on several kilo's that need to be shifted in a big hurry.
It's been several weeks since my surgery and I'm only now getting back into some gentle exercise. I did ride into work last Tuesday but that saw me quite sore by the time I got home, not to mention exhausted, which only made me feel more irritable about my situation. It also saw me get a scolding from my wife about the hazards of cycling (she's not a fan..).
Short Term Goals
My son, being an excellent runner, suggested I set some running goals since it's been 12 years since I last did a marathon. Running always got me lean and fit quite quickly and "back in the day" I could smash out a half marathon under 1hr 50 minutes (just over 5:20min/km pace). Buoyed by that we've decided we'll try and do the Gold Coast 50 Ultra in December together. I've told him he'll be waiting a few extra hours for me to finish, however the goal is to train and get thin, and above all, to finish.
Running is another world to cycling. It may take me 5-6hrs, but I see it as a fairly easy target provided I do the requisite training beforehand, and I don't bust my notoriously weak knees in the lead up. My knees were the reason I stopped running in the first place and took up cycling again. I figure it's an easier path to weight loss and that ever present "want" to doing an Everest. Weight weenies should start with their body first, then worry about the weight of the bike. It's less costly :-)
So from here on it'll be a combination of both running in to work and commuting by bike, with the monthly Strava Climbing Challenges thrown in to provide some extra motivation.
I have to say though, following #withallihaveblog, #worldeverestingproject and #yodaandthebike provides me more than enough motivation to want to continue with my desire to complete an Everesting. I bought a Hells500 jersey too a few months back and that also is a source of inspiration and aspiration.
Anyhoo, off to do some of the "wombat shuffle" and remove some fat from this sturdy frame of mine. #pathlete
See you on the road.